I am a creative practice researcher within the strategic research centre, The Centre for People, Place and Planet (CPPP), working across the School of Education and the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) at Edith Cowan University, Western Australia. My creative research projects are transdisciplinary, place-based, use participatory methodologies, and work towards feminist and anti-colonial frameworks.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Tytler, C. (2024) Queering Apocalyptic Methodologies: Enacting the Utopian Performative through digital art practice in Environmental Education. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 2024; 40(3):515-524. doi:10.1017/aee.2024.52 https://doi.org/10.1017/aee.2024.52. (SNIP: 0.75; IPP: 1.74 – 2022 figures) Q1
Tytler, C. It hasn’t finished: A collaboration with Ron Stone Park across a year-long divide. Axon: Creative Explorations 14(1). DOI: 10.54375/001/25eyibw4i7
Rousell, D., Harrison, A., Ryan, E., Chapple, V., Beale, R., Zhang, F. B., Tytler, C., & Aleksić, J. (2024). Impersonal forms of togetherness: Finding ways to (not) belong through reading groups. Knowledge Cultures, 12(2), 112-129. https://doi.org/10.22381/kc12220247 (SNIP: 0.26; IPP: 0.58)
Zhang, B., Tomasetti, S., McCracken, C., Hillary, F., Hesterman, H., Harrison, A., Chapple, V., Corompt, M., Tytler C. (2024) A Posthuman Lecture Theatre Hack. The Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools (ACUADS) Publications. (online, open access) https://acuads.com.au/conference/article/a-posthuman-lecture-theatre-hack/
Tytler, C. (2022). We Found a Body: The Intra-Body of Human, Technology, Narrative and Environment. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 38(1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/aee.2021.32 (SNIP: 0.75; IPP: 1.74)
Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
Tytler, C., Blaise, M. Education for Post-human futures in Cheng, Y., Sidhu, R., Waters, J. (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Sociology of Education, Edward Elgar Publishing. [Peer reviewed, 2024, tbp 2025]
The Encyclopaedia contributes to current debates on decolonizing the field of sociology of education. It is a timely contribution to re-consider the field’s dominant explanations and practices in a context of accelerated political and environmental changes and interdisciplinary engagements
Tytler, C. (2023). The Partisanship and Performativity of Creative Practice Research for Environmental Education: Questions around editing interviews and knowledge production in Clark, J.C., Ferguson, J.P., Tytler, R., White, P.J. (eds.) Contemporary Approaches to Research in Mathematics, Science, Health & Environmental Education Volume 4. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. pp 233-248. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374294700_THE_PARTISANSHIP_AND_PERFORMATIVITY_OF_CREATIVE_PRACTICE_RESEARCH_FOR_ENVIRONMENTAL_EDUCATION_QUESTIONS_AROUND_EDITING_INTERVIEWS_AND_KNOWLEDGE_PRODUCTION
This book is on the Higher Degree by Research reading list for ‘Research Methodologies’ at the School of Education, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
Tytler, C. (2022). A movement, a system, a mountain, a chorus: Art practice within environmental education as a transdisciplinary mode of post-qualitative inquiry, in Clark, J.C., Ferguson, J.P., Tytler, R., White, P.J. (eds.) Methodological approaches to STEM education research volume 3. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. pp 55-74. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374294691_CHAPTER_THREE_A_MOVEMENT_A_SYSTEM_A_MOUNTAIN_A_CHORUS_ART_PRACTICE_WITHIN_ENVIRONMENTAL_EDUCATION_AS_A_TRANSDISCIPLINARY_MODE_OF_POST-QUALITATIVE_INQUIRY
This book is on the Higher Degree by Research reading list for ‘Research Methodologies’ at the School of Education, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
Tytler, C. (2021). The Video Artist as Performer: A Parafeminist Politics of Resistance. Monash University. Thesis. https://doi.org/10.26180/14399495.v1
This thesis examines performance in video art practice. It investigates the performance of the body on the screen as well as the performance of the artist controlling and making decisions about the technology of the video and how it is presented. It identifies tactics of performance specific to video art that can be used to make work that has a political purpose.
Selected Creative Practice Research
Tytler, C. (2024) Soiled. Gallery 25, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia, 15 March-17 April [solo exhibition] https://www.ecu.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/1065092/Cassandra-Tytler_-G25_v1.pdf
Tytler, C. (2024) It Will Not Be Pure. Screen-based video artwork. Role: Writer, director, editor, colour grader.
Tytler, C., Ryan, T. (2024) Voiceless Mask. Screen-based video artwork. Role: Writer, director, editor, colour grader.
Tytler, C., Millar, E. (2024) Think Like a Worm. Inglewood Mt Lawley Community Garden, Western Australia. Site-specific art event, including a worm workshop, music, tea served from herbs in the garden and an audio-visual experiential installation 13 April. https://forrestresearch.org.au/think-like-a-worm-exhibition-launched-by-creative-fellow-cass-tytler/
Tytler, C. (2023) A Skin, a Sea, an Island, a Prison. Screen-based video artwork. Role: Writer, director, editor, colour grader. https://www.cassandratytler.com/#/skinseaislandprison/
Tytler, C. (2022). Frutti Tutti. Beneath the City. Testing Grounds, Melbourne, Australia (Group exhibition), (2023); Testing Grounds, Melbourne, Australia (solo, site-specific) (2022). Role: Interviewer, director, editor, colour grader, mapping. https://www.cassandratytler.com/#/fruttitutti1/
Tytler, C. (2020) Oops!. MARS Gallery, Melbourne (2022) (solo); Spectrum Project Space, Edith Cowen University, Perth (group); (2021) The Footscray Art Prize, Footscray Community Arts Centre, Melbourne Australia (group); Mexico Independent Film Fest; The Arizona Underground Film Festival, U.S.A. (screening); (2020). Trocadero Art Space, Melbourne, Australia (solo), Role: Writer, director, producer, editor, colour grader. https://www.cassandratytler.com/#/oops/
Won an Honorable Mention, Mexico Independent Film Festival
Tytler, C. (2019) I Still Call It Home. The Counihan Gallery (2019) & Trocadero Art Space, Melbourne (2020) (solo); Pink Flamingo Cinema, Sydney, Australia(screening) (2020); Videodrunk, Oshawa, Ontario; S.I.F.F. (Switzerland International Film Festival), Aubonne; No Flash Video Show, N.J. U.S.A (screenings), (2019), Role: Producer, Director, Writer, Production Designer. https://www.cassandratytler.com/#/i-still-call-it-home/
Winner of The Noel Counihan Commemorative Award, 2019
Tytler, C. (2016) Indisposed. The Counihan Gallery Brunswick, Melbourne, Australia (solo) Role: all https://www.cassandratytler.com/#/new-gallery-2/
Tytler, C. (2016) Lunar Swells. West Projections, Footscray, Melbourne; Trocadero Art Space, Melbourne; Melbourne Central Art Loop, Melbourne, (curated by MARS Gallery); Larga Vida a la Neuva Carne, Buenos Aires, Argentina (public outdoor projections) Role: all https://www.cassandratytler.com/#/new-gallery-1/
Tytler, C. (2015) Fiona71. The Torrance Art Museum, Los Angeles. Curated by Ian Haig (2016); FACT Liverpool (2015); The Counihan Gallery (2015) Role: all. https://www.cassandratytler.com/#/fiona71/